November 15, 2010

This is interesting

Famous American nutritionist Zoe Harcombe made a sensational statement according to which the girls who want to lose weight, contrary to widespread recommendations to refuse to use fruits and vegetables and instead eat food which is full of fats. In his new book devoted to the fight against obesity, Dr. Harcombe encourages the ladies to balance the diet by including adequate amounts of red meat, fish, eggs, butter and cream.

According to nutritionist, weight gain is accumulated because of carbohydrates. Thus, the fat, but almost no carbohydrate fried pork chop with this perspective is more useful than vegetable food. Fruits and vegetables, in turn, should be used only with oil, which dissolves the vitamins and helps them assimilate. In the same time, herbal products often contain lots of sugar, which can be delayed in the liver and have an adverse effect on its operations.

Reducing the number of calories and intense physical activity do little to lose weight, they only help to bring muscles in the form and to make them stronger. Athletic training, according to the point of view of Dr. Harcombe, cause a strong feeling of hunger, causing the body begins to feel a strong need for carbohydrates, which is extremely difficult to handle, and the weight increases. Number of meals in the same time should not exceed three times a day, writes


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